07703 166 340
Introduction from the Club Chairman: Andy Rogers KSG KCMCO
This enterprising social club is open to TCD graduates worldwide. Its aims are to enable members to meet informally and socially several times a year and in Irish fashion to enjoy pleasant dinners together. Dinner is followed by a short address by a speaker of distinction, with constructive discussion to follow.
Other aims include keeping members up to date with TCD affairs and encouraging them to be involved with and to make a contribution to Ireland. This includes educational, cultural, economic and political matters.
Please see Event Details for the dates of our upcoming dinners, together with details of our speakers. Dining Club Members may book their places by downloading a booking form and sending to secretary@tcddiningclublondon.co.uk with names of their guests (if applicable).
Information on these dinners and future dinners will also be emailed to all Dining Club members