07703 166 340
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin, Dining Club London was founded in 1810 by a graduate who, on returning to London, missed the Irish craic and arranged small dinners for fellow graduates to re-live student days. It was re-formed in 1894. An early legacy, which has been husbanded to this day, was generously created to ensure continuity of the Club.
We now host four annual dinners (one co-hosted with the TCD London Association) and regularly welcome between 50 – 90 members to dinners. These are held mostly in The Savile Club, Brook Street and The Reform Club, Pall Mall, but recently also in Home House, Portman Place and one lately in The Lansdowne Club, off Berkeley Square.
Please see a list of our President, Vice Presidents and Committee on the Governance page of our web site, www.tcddiningclublondon.co.uk Please see also a list of past Guest Speakers, the last two of whom were Roy Foster, the Historian and Fiona Shaw, Actress and Director. Guests are invited to speak for 20 minutes after dinner and then to take questions from our members for 20 minutes. A private bar is open to diners from 7pm, dinners begin at 7.30pm and finish at about 10pm.
All TCD graduates are most welcome to attend dinners and to bring friends, if there is space. A one-off fee of £25 buys Life Membership, but new arrivals may attend ‘taster’ dinners before committing!
For further information, please contact chairman@tcddiningclublondon.co.uk or secretary at the same address.